The Dangers of Stress

Stress is a common contributor to pancreatitis and you need to make sure your stress levels aren’t to high. I have seen many comments online of people who haven’t done anything differently in the sense of not eating junk food or drinking alcohol, yet they have still had outbreaks of pancreatitis.

This was a good article and shows the impacts of stress on the pancreas.

High stress levels aren’t good and they are definitely a contributing factor.

Importance of the Pancreas

The pancreas is one of the most important organs in the human body and a failing pancreas can usually mean imminent death. If you have had pancreatitis like I have then i suggest you pay close attention to your health and eat and drink clean. Looking after the health of the pancreas can go a long way to ensuring you live a long life with good quality. Suffering from chronic pancreatitis can be painful and tiring as the many different symptoms come and go. This site is great as it has a lot of useful content so try check it out when you get the chance. 


Can You Drink Alcohol Again After Pancreatitis

Can You Drink Alcohol Again After Pancreatitis

I get asked this question all the time from people who have had alcohol induced pancreatitis. The simple and smart answer is you shouldn’t drink again after having pancreatitis. Drinking is classified as poison and the toxins that enter your pancreas are very difficult for your pancreas to break down. This can lead to major complications and can even prove fatal. If you are considering drinking again or can’t resist the urge not to drink then consider finding help for alcoholism. 


Drug Dangers After Pancreatitis

Drug Dangers After Pancreatitis

People often get pancreatitis after taking drugs. Many people continue to do drugs after having pancreatitis. This can lead to complications and can even cause fatalities. It is very important to live a clean life once you have suffered from pancreatitis. My advice is to stay away from alcohol, drugs and anything else that can potentially be damaging to your body.